Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Hope For Depression

Another sleepless night for me but making good use of it. I don't watch much television at all, news & current affairs programs in particular. I just find them generally too depressing so half the time I don't know really what's going on in the outside world - not always a bad thing I think.

Was chatting on the phone with a friend earlier and they mentioned a report on a local current affairs program Today Tonight about a medical procedure now being used to treat deep depression here in Australia. It appears a treatment for Tourette syndrome & Parkinsons disease is proving successful in treating deep depression.

The procedure involves inserting 2 electrodes into the brain connected to a pace-maker type battery to stimulate the brain. The operation takes about 6 hours & you remain awake through-out it. Now that sounds fun. It appears the operation is available in all states except NSW where it has been banned.

The procedure is performed by Precision Neurosurgery.

The information contained in this blog can not be considered medical advice. These are only my own thoughts, feelings & ideas. If you or someone you know are having problems with mental illness please seek qualified medical advice.

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